Beat the Chill with Soup Therapy Day-5
Cream of Mushroom Soup with Thyme

While cooking at home is always easy on the wallet, the home-made recipe provides more nutrient content and serving value. The best part is the satisfaction we receive when the family members just lick their fingers off while enjoying the taste to the fullest ! The same heart-warming feeling I receive on everyday basis when I cook for my family with love and joy. What a great feeling of contentment with the home-made dishes!
The soup I picked for “Beat the chill with Soup Therapy Day 5” is a minimum ingredient soup with a greAt creamy texture and richness of taste.

Creamy mushroom soup is one of the simplest yet creamiest and yummiest soups loved by all. After tasting this easy homemade mushroom soup,you’ll never look at another can of condensed mushroom soup again, I bet !
It does involve dirtying a couple of dishes but trust me, it’s a worth spending those extra minutes.
So, get out of your couch now! Pair those earthy white button mushrooms with a sprig of fresh thyme or dried thyme herb and give it a little drizzling bath with cream! The result is a luscious soup with rich texture and taste.

Having used the great herbs like mint, rosemary,coriander in the soups over these past 4 days,it’s time for another great herb Thyme. The aroma of thyme is heavenly. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, a very good source of vitamin A, and a good source of iron, manganese, copper, and dietary fiber.
Thyme contains many important essential oils, which are found to have anti-septic and anti-fungal applications.Throat gargling with tepid thyme water or drinking few sips of thyme tea may help relieve coughs, sore throat, and bronchitis symptoms.
Having praised enough about Thyme, it’s time to praise a bit about mushrooms as well. Well, don’t want any of my ingredients to get upset. After all, I want to make a great soup.

Must agree that mushrooms are no less. Health experts and nutritionists refer to mushrooms as nature’s nutritional supplement. That’s because mushrooms are loaded with the nutrients our bodies need to generate energy and repair cells — including digestive enzymes, a spectrum of B vitamins, protein, and vitamin D2.
So what a nutrient dense pair Mushroom-Thyme make. By now, you all must have been convinced to throw your can of soup away and get going with the recipe that is easy to make.
So, even I am ready. Let’s start together!

Beat the chill by enjoying the hot soup with the family ! Keep following for the Soup Therapy Day-6 “on the blog.
Pleazzzz don’t forget to share it on your social media with friends and family in case you enjoyed reading my blog. After all, “Sharing is Caring”.
Eat healthy, exercise well and stay tuned for more recipes. Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest and please click the follow button to keep receiving the updates on my new blogs and it’s free.