To have a child is a true blessing and a total miracle. And this miracle happened to us for the first time on the 17th day of November 2009 when my lil princess came into this world and blessed our lives. I created her own email Id when she was born. Every year I write an email to my daughter on her birthday. What follows is a snippet from the latest email I wrote for her 6th birthday.
I really can’t believe it’s been 6 years since my daughter was born.Where did the time go? Where did all these years go?
Well, to begin with, the time went to three cross-country moves. We moved with her from India to Denmark, from Denmark to India and again from India to USA. The time flew from moving her from a tiny crib to a full bed. The time went from her first tooth-in to her first tooth-out early this year. The time went into traveling across the globe with her especially the most beautiful continent Europe.
The years were spent listening to thousands of bedtime stories, polishing her skills from coloring book pages to counting the numbers and learning the ABC’s. The years passed in the evening walks with her sitting in the stroller.
The time went in settling her to preschool. It went into various activity classes like swimming, dancing and art work. An year passed into kindergarten.Most of the years went into playing with play doh,bubbles,playground swings and play-dates with best friends.
The years passed in noticing her interests change from Hello Kitty to Minnie-mouse ,from Minnie-mouse to frozen princess Elsa and from Elsa to Barbie(her latest passion).
During the years, she has heard me saying too many times “Eat your food”, “Drink your Milk” and “Please clean up your room sweetie !” and of course reminding infite times “Did you wash your hands properly?”

I don’t remember the early five years of my own life but I tried to live those forgotten years through you my Princess !
Happy Birthday my little Diva ! You will always be my baby. Your sweet smile, funny ways, diva antics and sparkling personality make you shine. May you always feel as happy, loved, hopeful and confident as you do at this stage in your life. You enjoy each and every day to the fullest and you embrace all that life has to offer.
Thank you for adding so much energy, joy and a meaning to my life. It’s an honor and a blessing to be your mom. Remember that you will always be my “baby” – no matter how old you are!
Happy 6th birthday my Diva !
To make your 6th birthday special, I have prepared this yummie cake especially for you. Hope you would enjoy this.
It’s a Brazilian Carrot cake iced with Chocolate Sauce. The carrot cake is made the right way in Brazil: with chocolate on top!

Brazilian carrot cake is very different from the American version. The popular cake is topped with homemade chocolate frosting, and perfect to serve with a glass of milk or tea.
So, let’s get started with “Bolo De Cenoura”