The Secret slimming-Diet ‘Trio’ is out: Chia, Blueberry & Green Tea Smoothie

If you haven’t been using Chia Seeds already or haven’t yet heard of it, you are missing out on the “most-in” Superfood of today. I myself didn’t know about it unless one of my friends introduced me to the most amazing Nut some two years back. I was sipping this glass of Chia Energy drink last evening when I thought of writing this post.
Chia is an edible seed that comes from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, grown in Mexico dating back to Mayan and Aztec cultures. “Chia” means strength, and folklore mention that these cultures used the tiny black and white seeds as an energy booster. That makes sense, as chia seeds are a concentrated food containing healthy omega-3 fatty acids, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, antioxidants, and calcium.

The antioxidant activity of chia seeds is higher than any whole food, even blueberries. They are supposed to be great for weight loss. Because they can absorb many times their size/weight in liquid, they are great for preventing dehydration during exercise or exposure to heat. So, if we combine the weight management super-food ‘Chia’ and the antioxidant rich super-fruit “Blueberries” along with the metabolism booster super-tea “Green Tea”, we get a super slimming drink. Blueberries and green tea need no mentions as almost each one of us are aware of their benefits. Chia seeds are something not known to everyone.

I buy a big pack of organic Chia Seeds from Costco and it would last around 3 to 4 months. I try to include chia seeds in my kids food wherever possible. Chia Seeds have a mild, nut-like flavor. The seeds are easily digested and do not have to be ground to be used. Whole Chia seeds can be sprinkled on your cereal, salads, or yogurt. Seeds can also be ground and mixed into smoothies or added to baked goods.

The seeds can be sprouted and used in salads or sandwiches. Sometimes Chia seeds are soaked in water (for about 30 minutes) to form a gel. The seeds soak up to nine times their weight in water. The gel is then added to porridges or used to make puddings. I add them to my milkshake too.

I also add a teaspoon of Chia seeds to my kid’s egg omelets. You can even bake a Nutty grain bread using this super-food. And yes, please don’t forget to add it to your pies for a healthy outcome.
You won’t believe that I even use the seeds to thicken gravies. If you don’t want to add cornstarch to thicken different culinary creations, just add a couple tablespoons of chia seeds at a time to reach the desired thickness. It even adds the health benefits to your gravies without an extra effort.
I add it to my hummus recipe, pancakes and used it even in the No Bake energy Bites.
So, you must be wondering why am I writing so much and making you wait for so long before you could read the recipe. I intentionally wanted to make the write-up so long and make sure that all my readers are convinced with the benefits and uses of the tiny super-food. Trust me, you won’t regret of your decision to include Chia seeds in your day-to day life on a more regular basis.
By now, you must have added the most nutrient dense food to your grocery list, I bet!
Hey, Hold on! Please don’t forget to share your favorite way of using the nut. I would be glad to add another one to my list.
So, the wait is over. Here, I share the recipe for the Super-Slimming and most-refreshing drink to keep you fit this summer.