My Non-GMO Vegetarian Kitchen – A Path towards Healthy Long Term Living
“Say No to GMO, Revolutionize your Kitchen with Me!”
“Eat Real,Stay Real !” ~by Mani Mukhija
Did you know that GM plants, such as soybean, corn, cottonseed, and canola have had foreign genes forced into their DNA? And the inserted genes come from species, such as bacteria and viruses that have never been in the human food supply.
Did you know that all the “Dollar-Menu” eat-outs have GMO ingredients?
Did you know that “Bread”-which is the most common item found in a common American kitchen has Soy based ingredients?
Did you know that be it Walmart, Target or any other local grocery store…it’s so hard to get even a single brand of bread which doesn’t have Soy-based ingredients.
Did you know that millions of consumers including you & me are turned into guinea pigs, unknowingly testing the safety of dozens of gene-altered food products?
More than 85 percent of the corn and soy grown in the United States comes from seeds whose DNA has been rejiggered (to increase yields), and those two crops play starring roles in countless processed foods, from soda to salad dressing to bread.
Despite the term GMO becoming more and more common, most people are still clueless on what GMOs are and what harm could they bring to your body and for coming generations.
What does GMO mean?
The term GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism and it usually refers to foods that have been genetically engineered for reasons unrelated to health or nourishment. You may also see the term “GE foods” (which stands for “genetically engineered” foods) or terms like “genetically altered” or “genetically modified” or “genetically improved” to describe these foods.
Say No to GMO Food
This is the most dramatic change to our food supply that started no more than 20 years back in the late 90’s. This relatively new science creates unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and viral genes that do not occur in nature or through traditional crossbreeding methods. Basically, GMOs are plants and animals that have been genetically altered through their DNA to make them resistant to diseases or pesticides, which are sprayed on crops to kill bugs. This means there are potentially tons of chemicals and hormones in your food that could harm your body.
While most developed nations do not consider GMOs to be safe and have significant restrictions or outright bans on the production and sale of GMOs, it’s shocking to see that the U.S. and Canadian governments have approved GMOs based on studies conducted by the same corporations that created them and profit from their sale.
What’s worse, the corporations also do not require any mandatory labeling of GE foods. And to our great surprise, most of the studies have been conducted on animals and we are still unaware of these genetic changes to the human body. This has turned millions of consumers into guinea pigs, unknowingly testing the safety of dozens of gene-altered food products.
Impacts of consuming NON-GMO on Environment and Human Body:
So far, GMO’s are known to destroy intestinal flora, cause auto-immune diseases, food allergies, bloating, obesity, infertility, birth defects, liver atrophy, and altered sperm cells. GMO foods also block the natural lymphoma defense systems in the body, increasing the risks of all types of cancer. The list goes on!
Apart from having the negative impacts on environment, another biggest concerns is for our children. Children are more susceptible to allergens and are more likely to have/develop food allergens. They eat lots of corn-based foods, drink soy-based formula and lots of dairy, lots of soy-based snack bars, even have products used on their skin made from cornstarch, all the foods that are most popular with the GM-developing set. Not only are the most popular foods used to develop the largest portion of baby foods and products – such as corn, soybeans, cotton and potatoes – animals consume the GM plants.
The top nine most dangerous GM foods containing basically everything our kids are consuming:
Cottonseed Oil
After knowing so many facts, I simply couldn’t be ignorant of picking the right grocery from the supermarkets. I have stopped buying my major chunk of groceries from the supermarkets which carry products without the label mentioning about GMO or Non-GMO. The revolution starts at our own kitchen. I rather prefer to buy all my groceries from an organic store which carry a specific mention of NON-GMO or GMO-free products.
Spending on NON-GMO food is a worth than to pay heavy medical bills:
Buying the organic Non-GMO products might appear to be an expensive deal in the beginning. However, in the long run, we all would realize that it’s much cheaper than paying the hefty medical bills caused due to issues arising after consuming GMO-based food. It’s really not worth cutting the price of your grocery bill at the cost of your family’s health and well-being.
Just ask yourself a question that how could a dollar menu be so cheap? The answer is pretty simple. It is made up of cheap ingredients that are genetically modified to produce more at a less price. How could that be healthy for your body? Once we are able to convince ourselves with such thoughts, we have won the fight against GMO foods available in the market. If we find any edible item to be almost inexpensive at any supermarket’s aisle, that should immediately ring a bell in our mind. That should immediately signal us to look at the ingredients list at the back and look for Non-GMO label. This consciousness is more than enough to save us from picking the wrong stuff.
Few things you could do to avoid Genetically Modified Foods are:
Avoid processed foods containing ingredients from corn, soy, canola, sugar beets and cotton.
Look for Non-GMO Project verified products.
Shop online at Thrive market.
Eat organic.
Try to grow your own food.
Bring a Revolution in your kitchen by throwing away all the stuff from your pantry which is not specifically labelled for GMO. Clean up your mind, clean up your kitchen pantry, save your family from unknown fatal health and follow a NON-GMO regime for a healthier living today, tomorrow and always!
Please spread the awareness with your friends, family and neighbors. If you found this article relevant and informative, please don’t forget to share it. Spread the awareness and save the environment!
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