From past 2-3 nights, I have been quite restless and not getting enough sleep.I had been dreaming of some unusual stuff which kept me quite disturbed. But this particular night came out to be a chocolatey night. Heaven, I was dreaming of a lot of chocolates lying all around me.
I had read somewhere that Chocolate in the dream is a symbol of the sweet life. Any dream that features chocolate in it is a simple omen that foretells good health and contentment, coupled with a pampered lifestyle.

According to many astrological sites,dreams about food signify nourishment of the mind and body. But the kind of food in the dream can symbolize a wide variety of things. Dreaming of chocolate represents celebration and love. It also expresses rewards and gratification.
Chocolate is considered to be the food of the gods and of the spirits, chocolate suggests sensuality and enjoyment and freedom from the mundane.
Wohoooo…. A lot of good fortune seems to be coming my way .. ..Hurray !!!

I had this so called affair with the most beloved dessert on the planet since childhood. The favorite amongst all used to be CADBURY Dairy Milk’s FRUIT & NUT Milk Chocolate Bar and these days, it’s Godiva’s Belgian chocolates on the mind. Hope with this note, you could also recall the childhood memories of enjoying the yummiest chocolates available in the market.
I wonder why I always stop munchkin from getting indulged more into chocolates when I am myself a big choco-lover. She always comes to me asking for her favorite chocolate and I would simply make excuses and not let her enjoy too much chocolates because I think it’s not very healthy for her at this age.
There are two categories of people , one who can’t live without chocolates and the other who simply don’t like chocolates at all. I always feel so sad for people who say they don’t like Chocolates. I think they are missing out on one of life’s greatest pleasures. Creamy, dense, velvety smooth chocolate is just this side of heaven, really, and I have a hard time understanding how anyone could dislike it.

The holiday season is almost here and everyone is gearing themselves up for it. When it comes to holidays, I think we must live it to the fullest. We should stop worrying about silly things like “calories”. It’s not in my holiday vocabulary and it shouldn’t be in yours too. I’m sure that all my calorie-conscious friends and readers of this post would be scared by now just by thinking of putting those extra calories.
Heyyy, I was just kidding. I have a good news for all those health- freaks. Just read it further before moving away from this page.
It’s my Dad’s 58th Birthday. And how can I miss baking a dessert on his special day. Even if you are sitting miles away from me Papa, you are always close to my heart. This one is for you. Wish you a very Happy Birthday Dear Papa.

Having said enough, I present the chocolate brownie recipe for all the sweets and chocolate lovers. And for those individuals aspiring to be healthy, I would just say “Don’t worry”. You don’t have to sacrifice flavor for health this holiday season.. This Spinach, Beets and Chocolate Brownies are especially a guilt-free and a drool-worthy treat for you and your friends.

The richest, densest, yummiest, veggie-nutty-chocolatey brownies is a dream dessert recipe and is worth giving a try. So, let’s get started with the ingredients lists and the instructions to bake the brownies.
Veggie-Nutty-Chocolatey Eggless Brownies
Makes about 12 brownies
– 6 tablespoons unsalted butter
– 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
– 1 teaspoon instant coffee powder
– 5 ounces good-quality dark chocolate (not unsweetened), coarsely chopped (or use 3/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips)
– 1/2 cup sugar
-1/2 cup buttermilk
– 1/2 cup veggie purée (Beets and Spinach Puree:Make a very smooth purée with 3 cups raw baby spinach, 1 cup fresh beets, 2-3 tbsp water and a half teaspoon lemon juice in the food processor)
– 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons Flour Blend (Take all purpose flour and whole wheat flour in equal portions and blend)
– 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
– 1/4 teaspoon salt
– One-half teaspoon cinnamon
– 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Grease a 13-by- 9-inch or a 9 inch square baking pan.
- Melt the butter and dark chocolate together in a metal bowl over simmering water. It can be done in microwave as well but be sure to check every 15 seconds. Remove from heat and allow the chocolate-butter sauce to cool a bit.

4. Meanwhile, in another bowl, stir together the buttermilk, vanilla, sugar, and veggie Puree. Combine this mixture with the cooled chocolate sauce.

5. In a mixing bowl, stir together Flour Blend, cinnamon, coffee powder, cocoa powder, and salt. Add this to the chocolate mixture and mix thoroughly. No need to whisk it more like a cake. Just a thorough mixing would make a nice brownie batter.
6. Mix in the chopped walnuts then pour the entire mixture into the baking pan.Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean.
7. Allow to cool completely in pan before cutting the brownies and use a plastic or butter knife.
8. Now for icing, take the individual brownies and glaze it with Hershey’s chocolate spread (as I did) or Nutella chocolate spread. You can even use the cream cheese or just sprinkle some coconut powder(as I did) for icing your healthy brownies. Just do it the way you like.

Keeps for a week in the refrigerator, covered tightly.
When I served this to my li’l picky-eater(who does all tantrums to avoid these veggies) and my husband , they couldn’t detect the hidden spinach,and beets.
So, amaze your family and friends with these delectable and healthy brownies this holiday season and pamper yourself when you get that “A Healthy-baker ” compliment from them.
Pleazzzz don’t forget to share it on your social media with friends and family in case you enjoyed reading my blog. After all, “Sharing is Caring”.
Eat healthy, exercise well and stay tuned for more recipes. Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook ,Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest and please click the follow button to keep receiving the updates on my new blogs and it’s free.