8 Simple Rules to be Successful in the New Year

The year 2017 has been a wonderful & a successful year of blogging and I met the goals I had set for my blog ‘Ginger-it-Up’. Today’s blog post is going to be the last post of the year 2017 as I wait to welcome the New Year 2018 with new hopes, dreams and goals set for myself. I can already foresee big changes coming my way.
The clock is ticking and we are entering into the New Year! After clinking the champagne glasses, twirling in confetti, embracing our loved ones and even sharing a kiss when the clock would strike midnight, it’s now time to bid our goodbyes to the past year and take a moment to pay gratitude for the happy times that we spent in this passing year.
The New Year is an emblem of positivity. By welcoming the coming year on a positive note, it is vital that we let go of all the negativities accumulated in the year gone by.
Positive thinking is an indispensable mental attitude that stems from the roots of our consciousness onto the fruits of our actions. When we make it a habit to constantly “think positive” whatever adversaries may befall us, we are subconsciously acclimatizing our mind to find the good side in everything. Instead of fretting over negative things that might slow us down in our road to success, a better thing to do would be to think positive and anticipate success and happiness to come.
Many of us will make resolutions and set goals for the New Year. We may want to start a new business, take a new job, enroll for new courses, and get married & much more. In January, some of us will start pursuing these endeavors with hope and a positive outlook. But what happens when life throws us a curveball and something we never expected happens? Just remember the words ‘HOPE’ and ‘MAYBE’ in that ocean of uncertainty.
‘Maybe’ is an approach which reminds us to acknowledge that, for every situation we experience, there are numerous ways it may resolve. Within these many possibilities, ‘Maybe’ there is a chance a situation that we are facing will work out well or ‘Maybe’ we will find a new solution or ‘Maybe’ we will be all right no matter what happens. ‘Maybe’ shows us more opportunities to meet the goal that we dreamed of.
So, as we prepare to begin the first day of another round of 365, make those New Year’s Resolutions and set those goals. Just remember to say ‘Maybe’! Let’s promise ourselves to have the courage, passion, strength, motivation and inspiration to reach our goals in the New Year.
8 Simple Rules to be Successful in the New Year
The success is surely ours if we just know how
- Every Thought we think is creating our future. So, always think Positive!

2. An optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves. So, decide who you are: An ‘Optimist’ or A ‘Pessimist’!

3.Paying Gratitude for our greatest possessions brings in the positive results. This is the simple Law of Attraction. So, always be Thankful to the universe for your good times.

4. Being passionate and greedy for your goals can bring sure shot success. Try Try and Try. Never be scared of failing. You fail, fail, fail and then fly like a Phoenix to keep soaring high forever.

5. Cutting-down negative-minded people from your social list and spending more time with positive-minded people always energizes you and brings great results. So, be careful while picking your company. Always be surrounded with people possessing vibrance and chuck out those who drain your energy.

6. Changing perspective can change your whole life. By simply changing the perspective & replacing words like “Can’t” and “Problem” with “Can” and “Challenge”, the path to success becomes crystal clear and easy. So, now is the time to change your “Perspective”!

7. Becoming a better version of yourself brings you back on the right path. Never forget to perform an appraisal of your own self. Self-improvement is the best tool to fulfill our dreams.

8. Exercising, Eating Healthy and Meditating is the key to a healthy body. We all know that a “Healthy mind stays in a Healthy Body”. Success is directly proportional to our healthy state of mind. So, Eat well, don’t forget to exercise and meditate every day to keep a right balance of body and mind.

I wish all the readers of Ginger-it-Up a very happy and prosperous New Year 2018.