7 Ingredients for a Recipe called ‘Nuptial Bliss’

The tenth year of marriage celebration is the first of the major milestone anniversaries. As my husband and myself celebrate this special 10th wedding anniversary, I would like to share the secret ingredients that we used for the recipe called ‘Nuptial Bliss’. Marriage does take efforts, and like anything else in life, you have to do the effort to reap the reward. I take pride in admitting that the given blend of ingredients below has proven to be effective in making us a ‘Happily Married Couple’ for a decade now. I dedicate this blog to my better half and take this opportunity to thank him for being my ‘Partner in Love’. With that note, here I share the 7 secrets of our relationships:
- Respect each other. Respect is the most important ingredient in the recipe called ‘Marriage’. I don’t agree with my husband all the time and he doesn’t agree with me all the time. We are two different personalities and see things differently, however we always try to cooperate. Cooperating with each other and respecting each other’s decisions and wishes is very important. The marriage is not about throwing your own decisions on your better half. It’s about living a life that we both envision and feel contented with, wherever we are. Respecting each other allows us to enjoy each occasion.
- Love and Commit to each other unconditionally. When your love goes beyond your partner’s outer appearance and beyond any boundaries, it becomes unconditional. My partner has proved infinite times that he loves me even without make-up or extravagant dresses. He was always there when I needed him and loved me immensely under all circumstances. He loves me when I’m upset and he loves me when I’m happy. I love him unconditionally too. I still love him after a bad mood or when he’s not in the best of his spirits.
- Be Best Friends. The first person we run to when we are overwhelmed with the excitement of a good news is “Him to Me” and “Me to Him”. When that’s the kind of comfort you achieve with your partner, it proves that your marriage is a success. The choice of a partner is the most important decision in a woman’s life and thankfully this proved to be a fantastic choice for me as my husband supports my growth and ambition way beyond I could think of!
- Grow together. We both are forward-thinking individuals when it comes to growing in career, adapting to new ways of living, lifestyle, traveling, trying new cuisines and the list is endless. We help each other grow. We have grown together in this relation not just as a husband and a wife but also as being parents. The 10 years have been very rewarding for us as a couple. I just wish that the growth chart for our relationship picks even higher over the next ten years. I am sure that with each other’s support, we will keep emerging to reach great heights as individuals and even more as a couple.
- Find perfections in the imperfections. We have proved to each other that imperfections can’t harm any relationships. We all are human beings. That being said, we both allow each other to be imperfect too. We excuse each other’s faults and try to resolve problems together. We love each other’s inner traits as much as the outer wrapper. We want the best for each other, even though that’s maybe not the best for ourselves.
- Challenge each other fearlessly. Whether we want to hear it or not, we challenge each other to keep growing and improving. From exercise and healthier living to questioning each other’s assumptions and thinking, we make a super dedicated coach to each other.
- Be Great Parents. Sharing the responsibilities for the kids is very essential when it comes to turning your marriage successful. We have equally divided the responsibilities among ourselves. If he’s the one taking kids for extra-curricular classes, I am the one helping kids finish their homework and projects.
Hope these ingredients will help you turn your marriage recipe into a BLISS !!
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